A passion for wood transformed into unique staircases. Details that make the difference. The craftsman's expert hands create unique pieces. Special processing of high-precision. A brand that is over forty years old is its own guarantee.

Customized wooden stairs

We all have a passionWood is ours. The challenge continues.
Because challenges are met with passion.
We have decided to only manufacture customized, prized staircases. Staircases which are distinguished by research acquired in the planning phase, by their original character and by a new interpretation of  traditional forms and lines.
We have always made our products with the passion of an artisan who carefully selects his materials, takes care of details, and runs his hands over the finished, smoothed wood so attentively that it seems to be listening to him. No obstacles can stop us in our determination to find innovative solutions to every space or setting problem.

Company Brochure

Download our brochure where you can appreciate some examples of our work.

Our last works